PFA/FEP Lined Ball Valve

Maximus is one of the leading Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters of premium quality PFA/ FEP (Teflon) Lined Valves. Teflon lined Valves are developed to handle highly corrosive fluids. PFA/FEP lined Valves are the most economical compared to costly alloys like Nickel-Moly-Chrome materials. Generally PFA/ FEP (Teflon) Lining is being done in SG Iron or Carbon Steel Bodies, which are very economical compared to costly Nickel-Moly alloy materials

PFA/FEP Lined Valves are used in the Drugs & Pharmaceutical Industries, Food Process Industries, Dairy Industries, Petro-chemical Industries and almost all Process Industries.

Size Lining Material Lining Thickness
15MM to 150MM FEP / PFA 3 to 5 mm THK

Material of Constructions

Body / End Piece Material: Ball / Stem Material: Seat Ring:
S.G. lron / ASTM A 216 Gr. WCB / CF8 (SS304) / CF8M (SS 316) Lined With FEP/PFA ASTM A 216 Gr. WCB / CF8 (SS 304) / CF8M (SS 316) Lined With FEP/PFA TAPER RING, “V” RING: Virgin PTFE – D1457

Technical Detail

Lining Thickness Standard F to F Standard Flange Drilling
ASTM F 1545 Class 150 ANSI B 16.5
Temp. Resistant Testing & Inspection Standard Hydro Test: Pneumatic Test: Spark Test:
FEP – 20 to 180° | PFA – 20 to 230° 11 kg/cm2 to Full Vacuum as per BS/API 7 kg/cm2 15 KVA DC

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